Last Revised: June 27, 2024
AAALAC International - A private, nonprofit organization that promotes the humane treatment of animals in science through voluntary, peer-review accreditation and assessment programs. AAALAC's goal is to work with the scientific community to promote high quality animal care and good science.
American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS) - An organization of animal care technicians, veterinarians and other interested in laboratory animal welfare.
American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (ACLAM) Position Statement on Adequate Veterinary Care (PDF) - A statement meant to assist in the provision and evaluation of veterinary care for laboratory animals used, or intended for use, in research, teaching, testing or production.
Americans for Medical Progress (AMP) - An organization that works to protect society’s investment in research by nurturing public understanding of and support for the humane, necessary, and valuable use of animals in medicine.
The Animal Welfare Act - Federal regulations governing the transportation, sale, and handling of certain animals, including their use in research. The Animal Welfare Act and Regulations are also available as a document often referred to as the Blue Book (PDF).
Animal Welfare Information Center (AWIC) - A center, maintained by the USDA, that provides access to databases on alternatives for animal use.
ARRIVE Guidelines - The Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments (ARRIVE) guidelines include the Essential 10, which are the ten basic minimum items that must be included in any manuscript describing animal research, as well the Recommended Set that includes additional items that add important context to the study described.
"AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals: 2020 Edition" (PDF) - Guidelines on the humane euthanasia of animals as set by the American Veterinary Medical Association.
Controlled Substances Act (DOC) - The Controlled Substances Act (CSA), Title II of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970, is the legal foundation of the government's fight against the abuse of drugs and other substances.
Foundation for Biomedical Research - Dedicated to improving human and animal health by promoting public understanding and support for the humane and responsible use of animals in medical and scientific research.
"Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals" (PDF) (The Guide, 8th edition) - Complete text from the National Research Council's Institute for Laboratory Animal Research (ILAR) to assist institutions in caring for and using animals in biomedical research in ways judged to be scientifically, technically, and humanely appropriate. The Guide is also intended to assist investigators in fulfilling their obligation to plan and conduct animal experiments in accord with the highest scientific, humane, and ethical principles. An HTML version also exists.
"Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Research and Teaching" (PDF) (The Ag Guide, 4th edition) is similar to The Guide listed above but used to assist institutions in caring for and using animals used for agricultural research.
"Guidelines for the Care and Use of Mammals in Neuroscience and Behavioral Research" (PDF) (Red Book) - Provides information on best use practices for using mammalian species in neuroscience research.
IACUC Tutorial - A web-based tutorial for new animal care and use committee members, institutional administrators, investigators, animal care personnel, veterinarians, or others who are interested in learning about the PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.
ILAR Journal - "Responsible Science and Research Animal Use" - This issue covers the use of animals in research and the responsibilities of both researchers and regulators, as well as the protection of animal handlers from hazards, the use of agricultural animals and wildlife studies, regulatory ambiguities, enhancing animal welfare while mitigating regulatory burden, and the responsibility to clearly communicate the ethical use of animals in advancing biomedical research.
National Association for Biomedical Research (NABR) - A not-for-profit organization advocating public policy that recognizes the vital role of humane animal use in biomedical research, higher education, and product safety testing.
NIH Animals in Research - A website managed by the NIH with information and resources concerning the use of animals in biomedical research.
NIH Grants Policy Statement - Terms and conditions for NIH funding awards, including requirements for research and related activities using live vertebrate animals.
"Occupational Health and Safety in the Care of Research Animals" (PDF) - A companion to the Guide (see above) with contributions from the National Research Council's Institute for Laboratory Animal Research (ILAR), the Commission on Life Sciences, and the Committee on Occupational Safety and Health in Research Animal Facilities that provides a detailed description of risks - physical and chemical hazards, allergens and zoonoses, and hazards from experiments - and specific recommendations for controlling risk through administrative procedures, facility design, engineering controls, and periodic evaluations.
Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) - Contains guidance rules and regulations governing IACUC operations for PHS (NIH) research.
Pennsylvania Society for Biomedical Research (PSBR) - The goal of the PSBR is to educate Pennsylvanians about biomedical research and the importance of using animals to improve the health and well being of both humans and animals.
Public Health Service (PHS) Policy - Federal regulations governing the use of animals in research, teaching, and testing that is funded by organizations of the Public Health Service, such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH). A PDF version of the policy also exists.
USDA APHIS - The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, the arm of the US Department of Agriculture charged with the regulatory enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act.
US Government Principles for the Utilization and Care of Vertebrate Animals Used in Testing, Research, and Training - Principles to be followed for developing requirements for testing, research, or training procedures involving the use of vertebrate animals in the United States. A PDF form can be found within the PHS Policy PDF listed above.